Ozzywood to Hollywood (Part 2) - L.A the lonely city?

So I’m two months into my Los Angeles, Hollywood life and for the most part it’s gone smoothly. There’s been very few hiccups (if any), and you could say it’s been relatively easy to adjust. Perhaps even more remarkably, I am making my way and achieving results. And that’s great. I need to know I am on the right path as a writer.

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Mark Rasmussen
Ozzywood to Hollywood (Part 1) – Facing The Fears

I’ve never written a blog before. Not once. I haven’t even considered it. Always seemed like too much work away from the real writing of the writing I wanted to write. So what’s a local boy who’s never really amounted to much doing dragging his white, scrawny arse half way across the world into a cauldron of established writers?

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Mark Rasmussen