Spied On – The Digital Truth And How You Can Take The Power Back!

(5 min read)
If everyone knew to what extent we were all being digitally tracked, spied on, had our personal data sold, and privacy invaded – all without our knowledge or permission in most instances – we would all be in for a rude awakening. Personal data is now the most valuable resource on the planet! Yet we gladly give up our privacy, protection, safety, security, even basic rights, freedoms & liberties, all for convenience. But at what cost does convenience really come?

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Mark Rasmussen
My Best Of ‘Awards' for 2020 AND of All-Time!

(9 minute read)
2020. Wow! What a year. It has been one unlike any other any of us have ever experienced. For some, it’s been one of the worst years of their existence, for others the best. There was no middle ground. No matter which way I sliced it, by year’s end, 2020 turned into one of the most remarkable and life changing years of my life. And then there was the music. Simply remarkable! Music stood up when the rest of the entertainment industry fell over, closed up shop, or simply stayed silent.

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Mark Rasmussen
The Modern Man’s Guide To Being A True Gentleman

(5 minute read)
In a technological world, dating has become a nightmare for today’s men where choosing a “mate” can be as simple (and lazy & crass) as swiping one way. Being a gentleman takes a disciplined effort until it becomes second nature. One where you no longer need to think about it – you just are. Sure, times have changed and women can do it all these days, but show me a woman who doesn’t like being appreciated and treated like a queen, and I’ll show you a woman who needs it.

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Mark Rasmussen